BHEL Clinical society & harshamitra superspeciality cancer center cordinally conducted a CME Programme on 22/06/2023 Thursday at BHEL conference hall, kailashpuram trichy. Dr.G.Govindarajvardhanan MS.,MCH., Surgical oncologist – gold medalist MD Harshamitra superspeciality hospital addressed to the persons present there. Dr.Harish kumar MS.,MCH., Surgical
oncologist, HOPL explained about the role of surgery in oral cancer. Dr.Shri vidhya MBBS.,DNB Consultant radiation oncologist at HOPL explained role of radiotherapy in management of oral cancer . Dr. Sasipriya Govindaraj MBBS., DNB Consultant radiation oncologist , HOPL delivered vote of thanks . more than 50 doctors joined there , and delicious lunch was served to the people joined with us in this CME Programme.