Harshamitra’s Pulmonology Care

The Department of Pulmonology has state-of-the-art outpatient and inpatient facilities with support from the Intensive Medical Care Unit (IMCU) and excellent operating theatre facilities for thoracic surgery. Patients with acute illnesses are managed by professional health professionals at the high-tech IMCU. The Department has got an excellent support from the Department of Radiology, Microbiology, and Physiotherapy, in addition to laboratory services.

Available Treatments and Examination:

Diagnostic Flexible Video Bronchoscopy, Broncho alveolar Lavage (BAL), Endobronchial Biopsy, Fluoroscopy guided Trans bronchial Biopsy (TBLB), Trans bronchial FNAC (cTBNA).

Contact Us:

Phone: 763913877 / 7373731008

Email: harshamitramarketing@gmail.com