Harshamitra’s Sprout Fetal Medicine Centre

Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and therapy are constantly being updated to meet the clinical needs. Fetal medicine is about the study and treatment of the fetus within the womb. This is a rapidly evolving specialty wherein the fetus is treated as a patient either jointly or separately treated from the mother depending on the clinical indications. The diagnosis and management of the fetus, therefore, require expertise to be developed outside the traditional boundaries of obstetrics and neonatal specialist. It is also important to have a broad knowledge of understanding the fetus and its relation to the maternal environment to optimise management. Our fetal care, take pride in providing the best possible care for the unborn child based on robust scientific information.


Contact Us:

Call: 9025211697/7826885677

E-mail: harshamitramarketing@gmail.com