Our successful story

A 60 year old man came to our Hospital with huge swelling in the neck, when we evaluated further we found he had a huge Thyroid tumour and further tests proved that it is a Thyroid cancer. The most difficult part in this patient was that the tumour was involving the left lobe of thyroid and it was pushing The windpipe (Trachea) to the right side ,This resulted in kinking and narrowing of the windpipe. This was a tricky situation for the Anaesthesiologist because while inducing anaesthesia it will be very difficult to access the airway for giving the general anaesthesia. Perfect team was well planned before surgery .special equipments like bronchoscopy were brought in,with the help of bronchoscopy with very great difficulty the airway was accessed and the patient was successfully intubated.

Because of the extreme narrowing and kinking after intubation the patient had profuse bleeding from the trachea,this was immediately tackled with our experience team and the bleeding was arrested and the blood was not allowed to aspirate into the lungs.Great efforts were put by the entire team in accessing the airway and  inducing anaesthesia for this patient.The surgery itself was yet an other challenge because the huge tumour was adherent to trachea ,The esophagus (food pipe) and The recurrent laryngeal nerve and The major blood vessels in the neck .Our surgical team with their decades of experience could easily handle the situation in safely dissecting the tumour out without affecting the any of the important structure in the neck.

The surgery took 4 hours and ended successfully with the patient recovering completely and was discharged on the 5th day in a good healthy condition. This case was major challenge in terms of both Anaesthesia and surgery . However the experienced team at Harshamitra handled this case very efficiently and save the life of the patient